Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Alcohol and the city

A popular spin-off of "sex and the city" alcohol and the city talks about one mans quest of conquering every pub in the city and surviving the night to talk about it. ( yeah i know you've probably lost interest at this point )

In tonight episode the young adventurer steps into "casa del sol" a lounge bar on Residency road. Using the rear entrance he ascends into the most confused setting imaginable. 2 penguins loiter in the corner ( magicians ?? ) ( hosts??) who knows? ( we later find out they're a couple having an engagement party) He spots his comrades in arms and comfortably lands himself in a bean bag and then the drinks begin.. He starts off with a fuzzy screwdriver and follows up with a mojito.... while the people around order a variety of cocktails and starters.

A few jokes here , a bunch of anecdotes there and pretty soon you have a real party. In the background elvis sings ( i'm not kidding the dude's name was elvis ). While the slow slaughter of various artists occured in the background we tanked up on more alcohol. The party ended on a high note ( literally ) and we all managed to drag ourselves back home.

Though i did manage to get home a lot faster than usual....... i think it involves flying over some of those bad sections i talked about earlier.

Moral of the story , this post sucks!!!

I'm probably going to delete this post once i sober up so lap it up while you can....


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