Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Enter TaxMan

A horrible way to start a blog i know, but what can i say..... it's that time of the year. Having enjoyed the benefits of a relatively tax free 8 months i'm confronted with the horror of having a pretty large portion of my income given to the taxman ( not something i'm too happy about ). So after the usual scrambling around to get investment proofs and such i can safely say i dont think i'll be living on the streets ( atleast for a while that is ).

Speaking of tax.. where the bloody hell does all that money go?? certainly not into our roads. I've resorted to the "bunny hop" approach to prevent the re-ordering off my vertebrae.... The science behind this approach is memorizing stretches which have bad sections and hop to a parallel road. If you dont have a parallel road then it might be a good idea to get a much more comprehensive medical insurance package. The way i see it you have a greater chance of dislocating your organs than having an accident in this city.


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