Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The slow death and Re-birth of Batman....

Batman, probably the most interesting superhero of all times, and unlike most superhero's he doesnt have any "super human" powers to speak off, barring the over sized bank account.

By far the easiest superhero to relate to, a man pushed to the edge by the evil he see's, decides to take matters into his own hands.

Batman, draws on the darkness, in order to fight it. As the years went by the depictions got darker and gloomier, and as one, fans responded positively. Now , when you try creating a movie based on such an epic characted you'd better do it right.

Tim burton's batman got it right, just the right amount of darkness... and a joy to watch. Both batman and batman returns were visually pleasing movies and didnt mess around with the characters.

Joel Schumacher's Batman forever continued to channel the same darkness but the slide in quality from the first batman was very noticeable. His last shot at the batman series, batman and robin total messed up the theme. He tried to infuse a sense of comedy into the whole movie, which as fans will tell you is a very bad idea, specially in a batman movie. So the end result was, even with a stellar cast, as you guesssed a disaster.

Christopher Nolan's Batman, went back to the roots. By far the best batman movie to be every made this is a must watch. Christiane Bale's acting was spot on, playing both the tormented bruce wayne and the violent batman, it completed the transition perfectly. So as they say, welcome the change!


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