Tuesday, March 28, 2006

How i lost half a day of my life.....

You've probably heard of the crazy driving methods of us indians, and for those of us who reside in this country it's a way of life, nay, a right of passage. It's amazing that we are still a nation of over a billion people , specially with the way people drive in our cities.

I experienced first hand this weekend what night driving on a bus is all about. To give you a little background i was heading to kerala to catch up with a few relatives ( cuz, aunt, uncle, granma.. you know the story ) . Well, i'm not too fond of travelling by bus, i swore those days were over after college. I dont want to sound like a snob, but i really cant sleep on a bus. K.. i'm deviating... the onward journey went well ( well = no sleep , arriving in one piece ). So i'm there, ate a ton of food ( i love home cooked food ) and then after spending some quality time with my family i decided to headback.

So, it's sunday evening...i catch my bus but as luck would have it my seat was changed from the 5th row to the first... Now if any of you have travelled by a volvo bus you know the front is all but a sheet of glass. So here i am starring out onto the road sitting right at the front of this monstrous beast and the driver takes off.. ... i'm not kidding, he'd give alonso a run for his money. The roads in kerala are really tiny, 2 cars ( read all types of vehicles including buses ) can pass each other with inches to spare.. Add to that the abundance of blind turns and you've got yourself an action / adventure flick.

I spent the entire night starring out in front while the driver weaved ( remember we're talking about a friggin bus ) in an out of traffic on the highway, and on occasion using the slipstream of the vehicle in front to slingshot his way around it ( once again this is a friggin bus!!). It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion i couldn't take my eyes of it, and the only though that kept racing through my mind was ( there's no crush zone!! ).

Though hats off to the driver, he did manage not to kill anyone, and that ladies and gentlemen, is saying a lot.

So here ends the story of how i lost 3o minutes of my life, though honestly i'm just glad i didnt loose all of it.

Till next time....


At 12:03 AM, Blogger Mustang said...

trust ktym travels guys to change the seat no's for you.. i would know ;)
about the ride,sure worth ure money..effective ways that you might crash at any point of time..lol
a bus ride from kerala to blore can be quite on the backside....


At 1:53 AM, Blogger on_trial said...

Are you kidding?!?! I love the front seat on volvo's... the view man, the view. If you have to see your life flash before your eyes, I'd rather have a clear window in front, rather than an oily head...


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