Thursday, March 30, 2006

A thursday ....

Mid-week breaks always seem to liven up that period from monday to friday just a bit. Makes me wonder why it isnt implemented as corporate policy, wait, then we'd have too much fun. So it's back to the 5 day week for us poor slobs.

Thursday started off rather well , there wasnt any work to begin with , though there was a movie at 10:30. Malamal Weekly was the name, a rip-off of an older english movie. Then again, with the indian plot twists and burst of comedy / emotion you wonder if it isnt an entirely new movie. Had to step into the forum to get to the theatre, wasnt as crowded as i thought it would be. Half an hour later we hit the roads.

That was followed shortly by lunch at the Only place, i had been dying to try their buffet, and at 125 bucks i thought it was a steal. Little did i know lady luck had other things in mind.Their buffet was indian ( indian food at the only place !! ). It's been a while since i've had their steaks, and truth be told that place is heading steadily down hill. Didnt enjoy their steaks as much as i used to.. The drinks were even worse, and i'm talking about iced tea not a cocktail.

Our order was as follows, a green salad, a potato salad, a steak , a fish steak, lasagne and a london crumb fish ( by far the worst thing i've eaten at the only place to date ) . We spent a little over 3 hours at the place, well past closing time. It's a wonder we weren't chucked out. The only thing of any real interest over the course of those 3 hours was the conversation. It's safe to assume i shant be visiting the only place for a while.

So till next time and a better restaurant......


At 12:04 AM, Blogger Mustang said...

mid week breaks, sure !! sounds good to everyone... like a preview to the weekend....



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